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The Love of God
How do we describe
The Love so precious
That dwells deep inside

The Love that returns
To us double fold
Enriches our lives
And keeps us bold

A Love so strong
Sent through God's Son
It sets it's Seal
On those it's won

It's a cover
Over our sin
And washes clean
Every stain within

When we share
Our Christian hearts
You can feel the Love
Our Father imparts

He covers others too
With His Mighty Love
And sends it out
On a Heavenly Dove

If we will accept
What His Son provided
When He went to the cross
As it was decided

That He would save the world
If we will trust in His Love
That He so freely gives
And we're so unworthy of

©Shy and Siggy





Song: "The Love Of God"  Courtesy of  "Rose's Garden"

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