"Our Father,

The Lady reading this is Beautiful,
Classy and so very Wonderful,
She's a Special Person in many ways,
And I'll love her for all my days.

Please lift her up when she needs You most,
With Your Hand of Protection close,
Keeping her safe wherever she may be,
Blessing her steps and her eyes to see.

Let her know as she walks daily with You,
That You give her strength and more Life too,
As the winds whisper softly through the night,
Light within her like a flood blessed insight.

As always Father, in Jesus' Name"

© Sondra McPherson
04 January 2009
Sondra has poetry at
An Hour With You
under the initials SM

Galatians 6:2

Bear ye one another's burdens,
and so fulfil the law of Christ.




Song "Hello" Richard Clayderman

Webmistress Melva

©Silver and Gold and Thee 2004








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